Let's be Covid Safe
Event Terms & Conditions
The Rodeo by the Sea will operate under a SA Health approved COVID Management plan to deliver a Covid Safe event.
If you are feeling unwell or are displaying any flu-like symptoms on the day, you MUST stay at home.
You can help and play your part:
Maintain social distancing of 1.5m with people outside your party where possible.
Practice good hygiene using the sanitiser stations and hand washing facilities installed around the grounds.
Stay home if you have been overseas or to a COVID-19 Hotspot or been in contact with someone who has been in the 14 days prior to your visit to this event.
By playing your part, you will help ensure we all enjoy a comfortable and safe experience at the Rodeo by the Sea.
If you are feeling unwell or presenting with any COVID-19 symptoms including shortness of breath, cough or cold symptom do not attend the event